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SL Life Lessons: “Don’t Face the Facts”

Filed in Inspiration by on 10/02/2016 Comments • views: 1998

dont-face-the-facts“Face the facts.” Has anyone ever told you that as you were attempting to accomplish a seemingly impossible task? Have you ever thought to yourself ‘Face the Facts’ as you considered pursuing a difficult goal or doing something out of the ordinary?

“Face the Facts” is a phrase that is an absolute dream killer. It can cripple your enthusiasm after you get a potentially groundbreaking idea and cause you to abandon your dreams before you’ve taken the first steps to accomplish them.

In Journey to the Jacksons, I tell the true and timeless inspirational story of how my mother, Sodonia, took my sister (Colette) and I on a daring cross-country, Greyhound bus trip to pursue my sister’s dream of meeting her teen idols, Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5. Here are just a few of the facts that were facing my mother:

  • No address– she had no address to the home of the world-famous Jackson family. She only knew that they lived in the town of Encino, California.
  • Limited finances– given my mother’s limited finances, the cost of a cross-country trip would be a heavy financial burden for the single mother of two children.
  • No guarantees– even if we found the home of Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5, after taking the cross-country journey, there was no guarantee that Mrs. or Mr. Jackson would allow us to meet their world-famous sons.

Instead of facing the facts, my mother decided to ignore them. As a result of her decision, we had a unique experience of having a 2-Day visit with Michael Jackson and the world-famous Jackson 5. More importantly, Colette and I learned, at an early age, the priceless life lesson of believing that the impossible is possible.

When you consider pursuing a goal or dream, ignore the naysayers (or your own thoughts) that suggest you “Face the facts”. Instead, do what the late actress/writer Ruth Gordon suggested, “Don’t face the facts.”

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