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Avoid Dieting On Thanksgiving Day

Filed in Articles, Nutrition by on 11/19/2012 Comments • views: 4677

Thanksgiving Day! This is one of my favorite holidays because of the 3 Fs: Family, Football, and Food. Given the great tasting foods available, there is nothing more frustrating than attempting to diet on such a festive day. However, gaining excessive weight during this time can be equally frustrating. According to the Calorie Control Council, the average American consumes over 4500 calories and 229 grams of fat during Thanksgiving dinner. As a reference point, a pound of fat is approximately 3500 calories. No wonder we feel more stuffed than the turkey following Thanksgiving.

Instead of dieting on Thanksgiving Day, prepare for it. Here are 7 tips on how to prepare for Thanksgiving to reduce your risk of excessive weight gain.

• Get 7-8 hours of sleep the night before: Inadequate sleep can lower leptin (hormone that controls feeling of fullness) and increase ghrelin (hormone that controls feeling of hunger). Lower leptin and higher ghrelin hormone levels can contribute to overeating . Some research also has shown that a lack of adequate sleep may cause you to eat more foods that are high in calories, carbs and fats the following day .

• Eat breakfast: I know. Some of us skip earlier meals so we can fully indulge during the Thanksgiving meal. However, skipping meals will slow your metabolism, cause your body to store fat and may contribute to overindulgence when it’s time to sit at the Thanksgiving table. Eat breakfast. Go with a high fiber meal such as steel cut oatmeal. You also can add quinoa (a good source of protein and fiber), a tablespoon of peanut butter (a good source of protein), and fruit (berries, banana, etc.). The fiber and protein will keep you satiated heading into your holiday meal. If your Thanksgiving meal is later in the evening, have a healthy lunch as well. Bottom line: Don’t approach the Thanksgiving table on an empty stomach.

• Be active before your holiday meal: This will assist in revving up your calorie-burning metabolism just before eating. Do 15 minutes of moderately paced cardio just before your meal. That includes walking, jogging, bike riding or jumping rope. Alternatively, you can mix it up: 5-minute walk or jog, 5-minute bike ride, 5-minutes of jumping rope.

• Drink water before meal: Drink 16 ounces of water just before the meal. This can trick your body into feeling full and may limit overeating.

• Eat slowly: This can assist you in feeling full faster and may reduce the risk of overeating. Take your time. Relish every bite. Cherish every moment. Halfway through the meal, put your utensil down for a few seconds, then pick it up and resume eating. After the meal (and/or dessert) take a 20-minute after-meal break before going for that second serving. This break may allow your stomach enough time to communicate to your brain that you are full.

• Participate in fun family activity after meal: Have an activity that gets the entire family involved. One of my favorites is WII’s “Michael Jackson, The Experience” video game. You can burn a lot of calories dancing to “Beat it” and “Thriller”. Yes, I still know all the moves to “Beat it” and “Thriller”!

• Hand out leftovers: Leaving extra pies, cakes and other food in your fridge following Thanksgiving may result in temptation and weight gain. Offer left overs to guests. Alternatively, you may be able to contribute your left overs to not-for-profit organizations who can use the extra meals.

So, prepare yourself for Thanksgiving. During this food-focused holiday, not gaining weight can be just as important as losing it.

Have a healthy and happy Thanksgiving.


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